Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Best Fit Line

It is logically completely obvious. Life has raised an animal, a human, to be as fit as possible to its environment. It has yielded a body through evolution, and a mind through billions of years of conditioning. Everything which this organism encounters, is reacts to. These are my thoughts. Every flash of thought through the brain - every reaction I have, is executed through my body. Only, the thoughts and the body are not me.

The body and mind are machines. There is no conscious action. There is only cause and effect; I have no control. What is perceived as "self", as "Casey", as the complete identity believed to exist, is not real. It is a trick by a very advanced brain, fooling itself into thinking it's conscious. The body and the mind are not conscious. "I am" is not conscious. There are only thoughts, and a body.

I am nowhere; there can be no identity; I do not exist.

All of the achievements I had thought were mine, something I had done, are nothing. Some things are perceived as "gained" in life, some things are perceived as "lost." But the identity is a lie. Nothing can be gained. Nothing can be lost. There is no one to gain or lose it.


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